I'm creating a pipeline to deploy some application in kubernetes.
I've been given the authentication credentials as a yaml file similar to the following:
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: LS0tL******0tLS0t
server: https://api.whatever.com
name: gs-name-clientcert
- context:
cluster: gs-name-clientcert
user: gs-name-clientcert-user
name: gs-name-clientcert
current-context: gs-name-clientcert
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: gs-name-clientcert-user
client-certificate-data: LS************RS0tLS0t
client-key-data: LS0tL***********tLQ==
How can I tell kubectl to use that config file when I use the apply command? Thanks.
kubeconfig file path:
The config modifies kubeconfig files using subcommands like “kubectl config set current-context my-context” The loading order follows these rules:
If the –kubeconfig flag is set, then only that file is loaded. The flag may only be set once and no merging takes place.
If the $KUBECONFIG environment variable is set, then it uses a list of paths (normal path delimiting rules for your system). These paths are merged together. When a value is modified, it is modified in the file that defines the stanza. When a value is created, it is created in the first file that exists. If no files in the chain exist, it creates the last file in the list.
Otherwise, ${HOME}/.kube/config is used and no merging takes place.
kubectl config SUBCOMMAND
--kubeconfig="": use a particular kubeconfig file
For more information refer to the command kubectl config and also follow the path config file.
Also check the indentation of your config file:
If you are using TAB for indentation or any other purpose. Only use SPACE characters.
To find indentation errors use monospaced fonts to view and edit YAML.
For more information about indentation refer to Indentation to YAML