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Looping through XPathNodeIterator problem

I've created a XPathNodeIterator that contains a few short XML segments (each with a file description):

XPathNodeIterator segments = node.SelectDescendants("Segment", node.NamespaceURI, false);

Now, when trying to loop them, it seems that only the first segment is picked every time. Here are two versions of the loops I've tried (File/Files classes only for example):

while (segments.MoveNext())
    File f = GetSingleFileDataFromSegment(segments.Current);


Another try:

foreach (XPathNavigator seg in segments)
    File f = GetSingleFileDataFromSegment(seg);


When viewing a single segment in a loop with Watch or Quickwatch, it looks as it should, all different segments are selected one at a time - but end result is that "files" contain multiple copies of the first segment.

Is this normal behavior with XPathNodeIterator? Or is something missing here? I'm currently using .NET Framework 3.5.


  • The problem was in GetSingleFileDataFromSegment -method, which used XPath to get the proper segment. The segment attributes had namespaces in them, and that required the use of a NamespaceManager.

    Faulty XPath expression:

    f.Location = seg.XPathSelectElement("//*[local-name()='Location']").Value; 

    Corrected version:

    System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsmanager = new System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager(seg.ToXmlDocument().NameTable);
    nsmanager.AddNamespace("ns", seg.Elements().FirstOrDefault().GetDefaultNamespace().NamespaceName);
    f.Location = seg.XPathSelectElement("./ns:Location", nsmanager).Value;

    Code above was in the method that received the segment as parameter.