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VBA select range to multiply with number but need to setup loop

So I have the sub to select a range and to multiply the range with a certain number based on Input Boxes. But I can't get it to loop through all the cells in the range.

I have the following sub which I have made out of separate other subs that I use:

Sub somesub()
Dim xVRg As Range
Set xVRg = Application.InputBox("Please select range you want to multiply:", "", Type:=8)
Dim Mnumber As Double
Mnumber = Application.InputBox("Enter number", "Multiply", Type:=1)

For Each xVRg In Selection
    If IsNumeric(xVRg) Then
    xVRg.Value = xVRg.Value * Mnumber
    End If

End Sub

So this sub lets me select the range and let me input the number by which I want to have it multiplied. I only can't get it looped through, so now only the cell that is selected will be changed and not the range that I have selected.

Do you have a tip to loop through the multiplier to ensure it loops through all the cells inside the range?


  • Please, try the next adapted code. You select it only to Set it, it does not remain selected:

    Sub somesub()
    Dim xVRg As Range, cel As Range
    Set xVRg = Application.InputBox("Please select range you want to multiply:", "", Type:=8)
    Dim Mnumber As Double
    Mnumber = Application.InputBox("Enter number", "Multiply", Type:=1)
    For Each cel In xVRg
        If IsNumeric(cel) Then
        cel.Value = cel.Value * Mnumber
        End If
    End Sub

    A faster version, using an array and processing only in memory, dropping the result a once, at the code end, will be the next one:

    Sub somesubArray()
      Dim xVRg As Range, cel As Range, arr, i As Long, j As Long
     Set xVRg = Application.InputBox("Please select range you want to multiply:", "", Type:=8)
     Dim Mnumber As Double
     Mnumber = Application.InputBox("Enter number", "Multiply", Type:=1)
     arr = xVRg.Value2
     For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
        For j = 1 To UBound(arr, 2)
            If IsNumeric(arr(i, j)) Then
                arr(i, j) = arr(i, j) * Mnumber
            End If
        Next j
     Next i
     'drop back the processed array:
     xVRg.Value2 = arr
    End Sub