Search code examples

Sharepoint REST API 'search' equivalent in Graph API (.NET)

I am trying to find a way how to call Graph API with fulltext search similar to following query:

https://[tenant][site name/ID]/_api/search/query?queryText='([term to search]*)'

Basically to simulate the seach on Sharepoint site header and thus far I was not able to replicate it in the Graph API.

Note: I tried to work with Pages in /beta, but that do not allow search at the moment.


  • You can search on a specific SharePoint site by specifying path in queryString.

    API looks like this

        "requests": [
                "entityTypes": [
                "query": {
                    "queryString": "path:\"{site_name}\" Test"
                "from": 0,
                "size": 25

    If you are using Microsoft Graph .NET Client Library the code will be

    GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient( authProvider );
    var requests = new List<SearchRequestObject>()
        new SearchRequestObject
            EntityTypes = new List<EntityType>()
            Query = new SearchQuery
                QueryString = "path:\"{site_name}\" Test"
            From = 0,
            Size = 25
    await graphClient.Search


    Search API