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How to create hypertext arrows in gnuplot?

How can I create hypertext-like vectors or arrows that only appear when the user places the mouse on or near the start/end points? For points it looks like this:

indices = "first second"

plot for [id in indices] "a_test.dat" index id u 1:2

replot for [i=1:words(indices)] "a_test.dat" index word( indices, i ) u 1:2:(sprintf("point = (%d, %d)", column(1), column(2))) w labels hypertext point pt 7 ps 2 lc rgb '#ff000000' notitle

File "a_test.dat":

# first
x1  y1
5   1
6   2
9   8

# second
x2  y2
4   5
8   2
2   7


  • I guess you can mimic a "hypertext arrow" with a while loop and pause mouse.

    For vectors it is better to have start/endpoints in one line, but that is a different topic. I will think about an answer about your other question. Here, for simplicity, it is assumed that you have the start/endpoints already in one line.

    • the data is plotted once and then you enter a while loop (check help while) which you can stop by pressing ESC.

    • when button 1 of the mouse is pressed, the data is plotted again, but additionally, the dataline with the minimal distance to the mouse position (i.e. variables MOUSE_X and MOUSE_Y) is plotted with vectors. However, it seems you can't use MOUSE_X and MOUSE_Y in a function. So, well, then your have to assign it first to variables x0 and y0.

    • you could probably tune the behaviour of the appearance of the arrow, i.e. whether it disappears after some time or if you move on, etc...)

    Script: (tested with gnuplot 5.4.1 and wxt and qt terminals)

    ### show arrow on mouse button press (mimic hypertext arrow)
    reset session
    $Data <<EOD
    # first   # second
    x1  y1    x2  y2
    5   1     4   5
    6   2     8   2
    9   8     2   7
    set offsets 1,1,1,1
    set key out noautotitle
    plot $Data u 1:2 w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "blue" ti "start point", \
            '' u 3:4 w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "red"  ti "end point"
    dist(colX,colY) = sqrt((column(colX)-x0)**2 + (column(colY)-y0)**2)
    continue = 1
    while (continue) {
        pause mouse button1,keypress
        if (MOUSE_KEY == 27) { continue=0 }   # press ESC to stop loop
        else {
            x0 = MOUSE_X
            y0 = MOUSE_Y
            plot dMin=NaN \
                $Data u (d=dist(1,2), (dMin!=dMin || d<dMin)?(dMin=d,idxMin=$0):0,$1):2 skip 1 \
                    w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "blue" ti "start point", \
                '' u (d=dist(3,4), d<dMin?(dMin=d,idxMin=$0):0,$3):4 w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "red"  ti "end point", \
                '' u 1:2:($3-$1):($4-$2) every ::idxMin::idxMin skip 1 w vec lw 2 lc black
    ### end of script

    Screen capture: (from wxt terminal)

    enter image description here

    Addition: (keep and remove arrows)

    Here is a version where you keep several arrows and you can remove them by clicking again close to their start/endpoint. You can remove all arrows at once if you do a right mouse click (on my system this is MOUSE_BUTTON==3).

    • define a string arrowIdxscontaining the selected arrows, i.e. line indices
    • define a function inList() which checks if an index is in the list
    • define a function updateList() which either adds a new index or removes an index if it was already in the list.

    I hope you can figure out yourself how the script works in detail. Check help <keyword> for the following used keywords: sprintf, sum, strstrt, strlen.


    ### show/hide arrows on mouse button click
    reset session
    $Data <<EOD
    # first   # second
    x1  y1    x2  y2
    5   1     4   5
    6   2     8   2
    9   8     2   7
    set offsets 1,1,1,1
    set key out noautotitle
    plot $Data u 1:2 w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "blue" ti "start point", \
            '' u 3:4 w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "red"  ti "end point"
    dist(colX,colY) = sqrt((column(colX)-x0)**2 + (column(colY)-y0)**2)
    arrowIdxs = ''
    inList(list,n)     = (_s=sprintf("%d",n), int(sum[_i=1:words(list)] word(list,_i) eq _s))
    updateList(list,n) = (_s=sprintf("%d",n), inList(list,n) ? \
          list[1:strstrt(list,_s)-2].list[strstrt(list,_s)+strlen(_s):] : list.' '.sprintf("%d",n))
    continue = 1
    while (continue) {
        pause mouse button1,button3,keypress
        if (MOUSE_KEY == 27) { continue=0 }   # press ESC to stop loop
        else {
            if (mb==1) {
                x0 = MOUSE_X
                y0 = MOUSE_Y
                plot dMin=NaN \
                    $Data u (d=dist(1,2), (dMin!=dMin || d<dMin)?(dMin=d,idxMin=$0):0,$1):2 skip 1 \
                        w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "blue" ti "start point", \
                    '' u (d=dist(3,4), d<dMin?(dMin=d,idxMin=$0):0,$3):4 w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "red"  ti "end point", \
                    arrowIdxs = updateList(arrowIdxs,idxMin) \
                    '' u (inList(arrowIdxs,$0)? $1:NaN):2:($3-$1):($4-$2) skip 1 w vec lw 2 lc black
            if (mb==3) {
                arrowIdxs = ''
                plot $Data u 1:2 w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "blue" ti "start point", \
                        '' u 3:4 w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "red"  ti "end point"
    ### end of script

    Screen capture: (from wxt terminal)

    enter image description here