I have hundreds @DataJpaTest
-annotated classes within my spring boot library and it seems that every single class initializes/drops the schema.
How can I initialize (and eventually drops) the schema for all test classes?
// I have 1500 classes look like this
class SomeDataJpaTest {
class SomeOtherDataJpaTest {
I tried with the @Suite
and had no luck.
class _DataJpaTestSuite {
From my perspective, it's better for each class to drop the schema and re-create since you make sure that your integration tests are not coupled and do not affect how your classes behave (which is the purpose of an end-to-end test).
However, one thing you can try is to do the following:
public abstract class BaseDataJpaTest {
// add initialization logic here
In the case of having test-containers, or a specific configuration of your h2 database write your instead of the comments
public static void setup() {
// initialization logic here
Finally, for all test cases make it extend the BaseDataJpaTest
public class SomeDataJpaTest extends BaseDataJpaTest {
// test methods here
As i mentioned before, you might need to make sure to clean up after each test to avoid affecting your other test cases.