I'm trying to create multiple variables based on conditions with date as their suffix. The following code only generate one variable from the end date. How do I make it generate multiple variables based on dates in between the end and start date, and keep them on master2?
%macro dis_status(startdate,enddate);
%let sasstart = %sysfunc(inputn(%substr(&startdate,3,6),yymmdd6.));
%put &sasstart;
%let sasend = %sysfunc(inputn(%substr(&enddate,3,6),yymmdd6.));
%put &sasend;
%do sasdate=&sasstart %to &sasend;
%let date= %sysfunc(putn(&sasdate,yymmdd6.));
%put &date;
data master2;
set master1;
if code22_&date. in ('1','2','3','4')
then status22_&date. = "G ";
else if CODE22_&date. in ('5','6')
then status22_&date. = "IE";
else if CODE22_&date. in ('7','8')
then status22_&date. = "NR";
else CODE22_&date. in ('10,'11')
then status22_&date. = "UE";
Use the macro code with in the DATA Step source to generate the statements you want.
Data provided in a very wide layout with date representation as part of the variable name is typically problematic in the long run. Consider pivoting the data so the date is a column. Such a table can be processed efficiently with WHERE
Wide Example:
This presumes the data set have
has many variables named CODE22_yymmdd
and many new variables named status22_yymmdd
are to be computed. Macro code is used to create source code for initializing arrays. A custom format is used to perform the transformation from code to status.
* mock up some wide data;
data have;
call streaminit(20230221);
do id = 1 to 100;
length code22_230101-code22_230131 code22_230201-code22_230228 $2;
array code22 code22_:;
do over code22;
code22 = put(rand('integer',1,12),2.-L);
proc format;
value $code_to_status (default=2)
'1','2','3','4' = 'G '
'5','6' = 'IE'
'7','8' = 'NR'
'10','11' = 'UE'
%macro example(from, to);
%local from_date to_date date yymmdd;
%let from_date = %sysfunc(inputn(&from,yymmdd8.));
%let to_date = %sysfunc(inputn(&to,yymmdd8.));
data want;
set have;
array code22 %do date=&from_date %to &to_date;
%let yymmdd = %sysfunc(putn(&date,yymmdd6.));
length %do date=&from_date %to &to_date;
%let yymmdd = %sysfunc(putn(&date,yymmdd6.));
$2 ;
array status22 %do date=&from_date %to &to_date;
%let yymmdd = %sysfunc(putn(&date,yymmdd6.));
do over code22;
status22 = put(code22, $code_to_status.);