I have a panel Siemens TP1200 Comfort that I have configure as OPC AU server. This panel has some tags (nodes) from which I would like to get the value from a C# application.
I have read the examples of the OPC UA github project: https://github.com/OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandard.
I am able to connect to the panel and get the root, but if I debug and I check the structure of the root, I don't see any property for the value neither a collection of childs nodes, so I don't know how to find a node by its name.
Is there a method something like GetNodeVale(NodeName);
I don't show any code because I am really lost with OPC, it is my first attempt to implement a simple client in which I want to read that of a node (a tag) but I am not able to do it.
To answer your question on how to get a node I am going to use the OPCua fx library: https://docs.traeger.de/en/software/sdk/opc-ua/net/client.development.guide
(below is a version with OPC foundation)
It has very good documentation and is easy to understand.
First of all install OPCua fx using nuget.
Next you need a few things.
After this. Connect with the adress from before:
string opcUrl = "opc.tcp://";
var client = new OpcClient(opcUrl);
In the documentation is also examples with username, password and certificates.
After you can connect to you OPCua server you can start reading nodes:
var node = client.ReadNode("ns=4;i=3");
Ns means namespace and I believe that the I stands for id. This is how you can read a node. It is also possible to put a subscription on the node. Which is also explained in the documentation.
After this you can write them:
Console.WriteLine("node" + node.ToString());
Good Luck!
EDIT: There is also a good tutorial from a very lovely guy named Hans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCW23eq4auw
EDIT2: Since most of you not want to spend 900euros for a licence (including me). I made another version for OPC foundation: https://www.nuget.org/packages/OPCFoundation.NetStandard.Opc.Ua.Client/
First of all I have to give credits to: https://github.com/mdjglover/OPC-UA-READER/blob/main/OPC%20UA%20Reader/OPCUAClient.cs
Since this is almost impossible to figure out how this works but I found this repo that explains it very good!
If you use the explanation from the first version for the values you can include them in this code:
// Most basic configuration setup required to create session
ApplicationConfiguration configuration = new ApplicationConfiguration();
ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
configuration.ClientConfiguration = clientConfiguration;
// Create an endpoint to connect to
string serverURL = "opc.tcp://";
// As the server instance I'm connecting to isn't using security, I've passed false as the second argument here.
EndpointDescription endpointDescription = CoreClientUtils.SelectEndpoint(serverURL, false);
EndpointConfiguration endpointConfiguration = EndpointConfiguration.Create(configuration);
ConfiguredEndpoint endpoint = new ConfiguredEndpoint(null, endpointDescription, endpointConfiguration);
// Session options
// Sets whether or not the discovery endpoint is used to update the endpoint description before connecting.
bool updateBeforeConnect = false;
// Sets whether or not the domain in the certificate must match the endpoint used
bool checkDomain = false;
// The name to assign to the session
string sessionName = configuration.ApplicationName;
// The session's timeout interval
uint sessionTimeout = 60000;
// The identity of the user attempting to connect. This can be anonymous as is used here,
// or can be specified by a variety of means, including username and password, certificate,
// or token.
UserIdentity user = new UserIdentity();
// List of preferred locales
List<string> preferredLocales = null;
// Create the session
Session session = Session.Create(
NodeId nodeId = new NodeId("ns=4;i=3");
var value = session.ReadValue(nodeId);
This code is mostly made by someone