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Is there a regex function to use and operation to capture specific text in multiple lines?

I am new to python.I have below text lines from a text file:

05/01/2023 05:39:35 Exit with status 0 but no images found
05/01/2023 05:39:35 server12349 is considered prod.  Total environments: "production"
05/01/2023 05:39:35 Platform is wnv and datatype is os
05/01/2023 05:39:35 Alertdatatype os  is Windows OS
05/01/2023 05:39:35 Windows OS backup of server12349 ( succeeded

05/01/2023 05:39:35 Exit with status 0 but no images found
05/01/2023 05:39:35 server7329 is considered prod.  Total environments: "production"
05/01/2023 05:39:35 Platform is wnv and datatype is os
05/01/2023 05:39:35 Alertdatatype os  is Windows OS
05/01/2023 05:39:35 Windows OS backup of server7329 ( succeeded

I waned to capture below using regex function:

Exit with status 0 but no images found
backup of server12349 (

Below pattern matches Exit with status 0 but no images found (or) backup of server12349 ( but I wanted have pattern to search for both in the text file. Any help would be much appreciated.

import re

pattern =re.compile(r'(Exit(.*)\sfound) |backup of\s(\w+)\s\((.*?)\)',re.MULTILINE)
with open('c:\\tmp\\Notext.txt', 'r') as myfile:
    for i in myfile:
        if != None:


  • Assuming you want to print the entire line from the file that contains either of the patterns then:

    import re
    pattern = re.compile(r'(^.*Exit.*found$)|(^.*backup of \w+ \(.*\).*$)')
    with open('c:\\tmp\\Notext.txt') as txt:
        for line in map(str.strip, txt):
            for m in pattern.findall(line):
                for t in m:
                    if t:


    05/01/2023 05:39:35 Exit with status 0 but no images found
    05/01/2023 05:39:35 Windows OS backup of server12349 ( succeeded
    05/01/2023 05:39:35 Exit with status 0 but no images found
    05/01/2023 05:39:35 Windows OS backup of server7329 ( succeeded