I want to convert this AppleScript to something less prone to breaking (with every OS update). This Apple script takes 4 variables a fixed and a variable password for not being able to copy or open the document respectively, as well as the "exam" number and the "session" number and outputs a password protected PDF. How can I do the same from a bash shell?
set FixedPassword to "nocopy"
set exam to "2"
set session to "6"
set VarPassword to "time"
set outpath to "/Users/username/Exam" & " " & exam & " " & "Session" & " " & session & "/E" & exam & "S" & session & ".pdf"
set SaveFolder to "/Users/username/Exam" & " " & exam & " " & "Session" & " " & session
set FileName to "E" & exam & "S" & session & " " & "(Password" & " - " & VarPassword & ").pdf"
tell application "Preview"
open outpath
end tell
activate application "Preview"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Preview"
keystroke "p" using command down
delay 0.5
tell front window
repeat until exists sheet 1
delay 1
end repeat
tell sheet 1
tell splitter group 1
click pop up button 3
click menu item "MyLayout 216 by 279 mm" of menu 1 of pop up button 3
end tell
tell splitter group 1
click menu button "PDF"
repeat until exists menu 1 of menu button "PDF"
delay 0.02
end repeat
click menu item "Save as PDF" of menu 1 of menu button "PDF"
end tell
end tell
end tell
repeat until exists sheet 1 of sheet 1 of front window
delay 5
end repeat
tell sheet 1 of sheet 1 of front window
click button "Security Options…"
end tell
tell window "PDF Security Options"
set selected to true
set focused to true
(* click the checkbox to on *)
tell checkbox "Require password to open document"
end tell
(* add the password and confirm *)
keystroke VarPassword
keystroke (ASCII character 9)
keystroke VarPassword
tell its checkbox "Require password to copy text, images and other content"
end tell
(* add the password and confirm *)
keystroke FixedPassword
keystroke (ASCII character 9)
keystroke FixedPassword
click button "OK"
end tell
repeat until exists sheet 1 of sheet 1 of front window
delay 0.2
end repeat
keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
repeat until exists sheet of sheet 1 of sheet 1 of front window
delay 0.2
end repeat
delay 0.5
keystroke SaveFolder
delay 0.5
keystroke return
set value of text field 1 of sheet 1 of sheet 1 of front window to FileName
click button "Save" of sheet 1 of sheet 1 of front window
end tell
end tell
Here is AsObjC solution to do this. I recommend to do not include your user password in the encrypted PDF's name (for security reasons).
The script works with PDFs selected in the Finder & creates encrypted copies of them in the same directory.
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "CoreFoundation"
use framework "PDFKit"
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use scripting additions
property this : a reference to current application
property NSString : a reference to NSString of this
property NSURL : a reference to NSURL of this
property PDFDocument : a reference to PDFDocument of this
property NSDictionary : a reference to NSDictionary of this
property QuartzFilter : a reference to QuartzFilter of this
property CFString : a reference to CFString of this
property kCGPDFContextAllowsCopying : a reference to kCGPDFContextAllowsCopying of this
-- set the password. "pw"
-- NOTE: here, I set the User password and Owner password as same,
---------- you can set different passwords (pw1, pw2) as well
set theReturnedItems to (display dialog "What is the Password?" default answer "Example" buttons {"Quit", "OK"} default button 2)
if the button returned of the result is "Quit" then return
set pw to (the text returned of theReturnedItems) as «class utf8»
set pw to (NSString's stringWithString:pw)
tell application "Finder" to set theAliases to (get selection as alias list)
repeat with anAlias in theAliases
if (anAlias as text) ends with ".pdf" then
set thePDFpath to POSIX path of anAlias
set aURL to (NSURL's fileURLWithPath:thePDFpath)
set origPDFdoc to (PDFDocument's alloc()'s initWithURL:aURL)
-- construct output file names -- Viking OSX.
set ws_file to (NSString's stringWithString:thePDFpath)
set ws_ext to ws_file's pathExtension()
set ws_base to ws_file's stringByDeletingPathExtension()
set bPOSIX to ((ws_base's stringByAppendingString:"_enCrypted")'s stringByAppendingPathExtension:ws_ext)
-- Create options for the document
set aDict to (NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjects:{CFString's noCopy, pw, pw} forKeys:{kCGPDFContextAllowsCopying, "kCGPDFContextUserPassword", "kCGPDFContextOwnerPassword"})
-- save password protected file
(origPDFdoc's writeToFile:(bPOSIX) withOptions:(aDict))
end if
end repeat