I am trying to place the objects based on an equation, so let us say that I want to draw a circle.
Please check my codesandbox
so I use this function to get the coordinates of x and y..
const getCircleCoordinates = (angle, distance = 25) => {
angle *= Math.PI / 180
let x = distance * Math.cos(angle),
y = distance * Math.sin(angle)
return { x, y, angle, distance }
and this is my loop to place the objects.
let i = -1
const theta = 360 / (36)
return <>
<axesHelper args={[5, 5, 5]} />
<group scale={scale}>
{[...Array(36)].map((e, index) => {
let { x, y, angle } = getCircleCoordinates(i * theta, hight, width)
return <mesh
rotation-x={Math.PI / 2}
lookAt={[0, 0, 0]}
<torusGeometry args={[radius, tube, radialSeg, tubSeg]} />
// wireframe
Now my issue is with the rotation, in the circle the rotation was simply the angle in radian, but what If I want to draw a square or triangle?
In my case, I want to draw a drop..
and this is the function...
const getDropCoordinates = (angle, hight = 15, width = 5) => {
angle *= Math.PI / 180
let x = width * Math.cos(angle) * (1 + Math.sin(angle)),
y = hight * (1 + Math.sin(angle))
return { x, y, angle }
According to
You've got an array of points. Find the angle between two vectors, formed by (next - current) and (previous - current), multiply it with 0.5, rotate you mesh with this angle around Z-axis: i.imgur.com/2YFzU5W.png – prisoner849
this function will get the right rotation value for the drop shape - it seems to work with all shapes.
const getAngle = (nextCoordinates, previousCoordinates, x, y) => {
let nextAngle = Math.atan2(nextCoordinates.y - y, nextCoordinates.x - x)
let previousAngle = Math.atan2(previousCoordinates.y - y, previousCoordinates.x - x)
return (nextAngle + previousAngle) / 2
I edited my loop to be
{[...Array(36)].map((e, index) => {
// let getShapeCoordinates = getCircleCoordinates
let getShapeCoordinates = getDropCoordinates
let { x, y } = getShapeCoordinates(i * theta, hight, width)
let nextCoordinates = getShapeCoordinates((i + 1) * theta, hight, width)
let previousCoordinates = getShapeCoordinates((i - 1) * theta, hight, width)
let angle = getAngle(nextCoordinates, previousCoordinates, x, y)
// console.log(a)
return (
rotation-x={Math.PI / 2}
// Here where I pass the rotation
<torusGeometry args={[radius, tube, radialSeg, tubSeg]} />
// wireframe