I have a database of surveys, where there are tables for survey, answers and questions.
In the main query, I want to get each answer in a different column and do some manipulation on the answer, but the order of the answers may vary in time (in a way that the creator of the survey may change the order of the questions). That way, I can't know which answer is being modified.
Each answer corresponds to a question with pk, and the questions has a column to set the order between them. That means that the question pk is the parameter I should decide on how to manipulate a certain answer.
for example:
I have a table survey
| pk | answers
| 1 |[1,2,3]
| 2 |[4,5,6]
The second table is answer
: (Pay attention that the question order differentiate between the two surveys)
| pk | text |question
| 1 |'ans1'|1
| 2 |'ans2'|2
| 3 |'ans3'|3
| 4 |'ans4'|3
| 5 |'ans5'|2
| 6 |'ans6'|1
And the third table question
| pk | question |order
| 1 |"What is your name?" | 3
| 2 |"What is your age?" | 2
| 3 |"Where do you live?" | 1
I am trying to get the answers in a fixed position so I'll be able to know the exact place where to modify the answer.
I have a subquery with two mapped elements:
select s.pk, map_agg(t.index, a.text) t_map, map_agg(t.index, a.question) q_map
from survey s
cross join unnest(s.answers) with ordinality as t(a, index)
join answer a on t.a = a.pk
group by s.pk
In the main query I want to get from q_map
the index in which a certain value is. That index is the same index where the corresponding answer text is in t_map.
So I am trying to do something like:
t_map[get_key_by_val(q_map, 1)] ans1,
t_map[get_key_by_val(q_map, 2)] ans2,
t_map[get_key_by_val(q_map, 3)] ans3
from ( ...
Or if there is any other way of doing so.
EDIT: I have managed to do something like this, but this is a very bad solution, especially when there are more than 10 question:
CASE WHEN q_map[1] = 1 THEN t_map[1]
ELSE (CASE WHEN q_map[2] = 1 THEN t_map[2]
ELSE (CASE WHEN q_map[3] = 1 THEN t_map[3]
END)END)END as answer1
and I have to do so for each column.
You can use primary key in question table as constant index for your query. With that in mind, you can write the query as below:
WITH survey_w_fixed_layout AS (
s.pk as survey_id,
map_agg(a.question, q.question) as question_map_by_q_pk,
map_agg(a.question, a.text) as answer_map_by_q_pk
FROM survey s
CROSS JOIN unnest(s.answers) as t(a)
JOIN answer a on t.a = a.pk
JOIN question q on a.question = q.pk
answer_map_by_q_pk[1] as ans1,
answer_map_by_q_pk[2] as ans2,
answer_map_by_q_pk[3] as ans3