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DynamoDB Mapper SaveExpression not throwing ConditionalCheckFailedException when record already exists

I have a DynamoDB table which has 3 attributes(partition key - id, sortkey - orderId, info). I am trying to write into DynamoDB if the record does not exist(either the partition key or the sort key) already. My code snippet as below

public void saveRecord(@NonNull Payload payload) {

        final String id = payload.getId();
        final String orderId = payload.getOrderId();

            Map<String, ExpectedAttributeValue> expectedAttributes =
                    ImmutableMap.<String, ExpectedAttributeValue>builder()
                            .put(id, new ExpectedAttributeValue().withExists(false))
                            .put(orderId, new ExpectedAttributeValue().withExists(false))

            DynamoDBSaveExpression saveExpression = new DynamoDBSaveExpression()

            ObjectToSave objectToSave = ObjectToSave.builder()

            try {
  , saveExpression);
  "write successful");
        } catch (ConditionalCheckFailedException e) {
            log.error("Record already exists id:{}, sortKey: {}", id, orderId);

My understanding is whenever I receive a record that already exists in the table, the above code should log the error statement. But It's not happening like that. What am I missing here or doing wrong?


  • This is because you pass in the AttributeValue of the partition and sort key, rather than the AttributeNames:

    public void saveRecord(@NonNull Payload payload) {
            final String id = payload.getId();
            final String orderId = payload.getOrderId();
                Map<String, ExpectedAttributeValue> expectedAttributes =
                        ImmutableMap.<String, ExpectedAttributeValue>builder()
                                .put("id", new ExpectedAttributeValue().withExists(false))
                                .put("orderId", new ExpectedAttributeValue().withExists(false))
                DynamoDBSaveExpression saveExpression = new DynamoDBSaveExpression()
                ObjectToSave objectToSave = ObjectToSave.builder()
                try {
      , saveExpression);
      "write successful");
            } catch (ConditionalCheckFailedException e) {
                log.error("Record already exists id:{}, sortKey: {}", id, orderId);