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Storing/Saving only a particular object from list of objects along with parent object in MongoDB

In mongodb, I have a master table called category sample data as below:

    "_id" : "63d3e01f43aa4e0ee349f841",
    "subCategories" : [
            "subCategoryId" : NumberLong(1), 
            "name": "Mobile phones" 
            "subCategoryId" : NumberLong(2), 
            "name": "XYZ Machine" 

There is another table called product. Sample data as below:

    "_id" : "63d3e13b43aa4e0ee349f842",
    "productId" : NumberLong(1),
    "name" : "iphone 14",
    "category" : DBRef("category", "63d3e01f43aa4e0ee349f841")

While adding new product, only 1 category and 1 subcategory from that selected category can be selected. In my case, I am using @DbRef and I am struggling to find a way through which I can save only 1 subcategory within the product table. Right now it points to an entire object of the category table in which there can be x number of subcategories.

Is it possible to achieve this using @DbRef annotation without changing the database structure and without breaking the category table records in between separate category & subcategory tables ?

May be something like this:

    "_id" : "63d3e13b43aa4e0ee349f842",
    "productId" : NumberLong(1),
    "name" : "iphone 14",
    "category" : DBRef({"category", "63d3e01f43aa4e0ee349f841"},
                       "subCategoryId", 1)


Using MongoDb version 4+ with Java spring-data-mongo


  • I don't think it is possible to achieve your expected behaviour without changing the schema. From official doc of DBRef,

    DBRefs are a convention for representing a document, rather than a specific reference type.

    So DBRef will point to a specific document, instead of certain sub-document array entry.

    This leaves us 2 options:

    1. change the category collection to store document like this:
        "categoryId" : "63d3e01f43aa4e0ee349f841", // this is new
        "subCategoryId" : NumberLong(1), 
        "name": "Mobile phones" 

    Unfortunately this is banned as changing schema is not allowed

    1. add another field in product schema to store the subCategory Id and use it to locate subCategory entries when $lookup
          "_id": "63d3e13b43aa4e0ee349f842",
          "productId": NumberLong(1),
          "name": "iphone 14",
          "category": {
            "$ref": "category",
            "$id": "63d3e01f43aa4e0ee349f841"
          "subCategoryId": NumberLong(1) // this is new

    the aggregation:

        $match: {
          "_id": "63d3e13b43aa4e0ee349f842"
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "category",
          "let": {
            categoryId: "$category.$id",
            subCategoryId: "$subCategoryId"
          "pipeline": [
              $match: {
                $expr: {
                  $eq: [
              $unwind: "$subCategories"
              $match: {
                $expr: {
                  $eq: [
          "as": "subCategoryLookup"

    Mongo Playground

    This is also kind of banned as it needs to add one more field to the product schema. But I would still suggest this as this involves a minimal change to the schema.