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Wrapping js code with mobile wrapper: what to use?

I have a js game (pixi.js) which I want to publish in Google Play.

I wonder how to do it? Which technology can be used to wrap the javascript code into a mobile application?

I checked description of Flutter and React Native, but they seem to be not relevant to what I need.


  • Option 1

    This guide on Medium by Daniel Byron seems to cover all steps for converting your Pixijs game to an android app.

    You'd obviously need to setup Android Studio (also included in this guide), apart from that it uses Webpack and Java

    Note: "This assumes you have your game as a standalone build (built using something like webpack) and doesn’t rely on any external dependencies or links." quoting from the guide itself.

    Option 2

    Simply create a PWA for your HTML app which can be published to google play as well as can be downloaded as web app.

    Refer these for creating a PWA from your HTML project: A Guide on Devto another one on Medium and this one at FreeCodeCamp