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Login post with Bcrypt always return false returns false no matter what

I'm currently working on a login/register feature in NextJS that utilizes bcrypt to hash and compare user passwords. I'm able to register a user with a hashed password, but when attempting to log in with, the comparison always returns false, even when the entered password matches the hashed password.

The issue lies in this line: const isPasswordMatched = await, user.password);, where the compare() method is used to compare the entered password with the hashed password. Despite the method's implementation, it's not working as expected.

Hashed password added on mongodb

api/auth/[...nextauth].ts for login

const authOptions: NextAuthOptions = {
  session: {
    strategy: "jwt",

  providers: [
      async authorize(credentials, req) {
        await connectDB();
        const { email, password }: Icredential = credentials;

        // Find user by email
        const user = await User.findOne({ email: email });
        if (user === null) {
          throw new Error('Cannot find user');

        // Check if password from input matches with the one from db
        // This is the line of the concern
        const isPasswordMatched = await, user.password);
        console.log(`Comparing ${password} to ${user.password}`);
        console.log("match ?", isPasswordMatched);
        // Throw error when it doesn't
        if (!isPasswordMatched)
        // if (password !== '123')
          throw new Error('Invalid email or password');

        // Return authorized user
        return user;
      credentials: undefined

export default NextAuth(authOptions);

api/register for register

const registerHandler = async (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => {
  if (req.method === "POST") {
    try {
      const { user: _regiUser } = req.body;
      //Check if user exists
      await connectDB()
      const existingUser = await User.findOne({ email: }).exec();
      console.log("existingUser", existingUser);

      //Throw error when email is already in use
      if (existingUser) {
        throw new Error("Email already used");
      //Password encrypted
      const hashedPassword: string = await bcrypt.hashSync( _regiUser.password, 10 );
      console.log("_regiUser.password", _regiUser.password, hashedPassword)

      //Replace text password with encrypted password
      _regiUser.password = hashedPassword;
      //Add user on database
      await User.create(_regiUser)
    } catch (e: any) {

export default registerHandler;


  • Login logic was completely correct, but I had wrong User model like following:

    const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
      email: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        lowercase: true
      password: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        lowercase: true  //remove this to make it work

    look at password entity, because I copy pasted from email entity, i had a wrong configuration for password. So hash stored in lowercase and this is the very reason why i got error no matter what. smh...