Search code examples

MongoDb aggregate values per date

I'm trying to get the aggregate value per cases_total_date keys for such example (please note that I can't change schema of the data, it's already stored like this):

    "key": 1,
    "account": "a",
    "cases_total_date": {
      "20220101": 1,
      "20220102": 2,
      "20220103": 3,
      "20220501": 4,
      "20221201": 5,
      "20221202": 6,
    "key": 2,
    "account": "b",
    "cases_total_date": {
      "20220101": 11,
      "20220102": 12,
      "20220103": 13,
      "20220501": 14,
      "20221201": 15,
      "20221202": 16,

In the end I'd like to get result smth like this :

"account": "total",
"cases_total_date": {
  "20220101": 12,   # sum per all dates
  "20220102": 14,   # sum per all dates
  "20220103": 16,   # sum per all dates
  "20220501": 18,   # sum per all dates
  "20221201": 20,   # sum per all dates
  "20221202": 22,   # sum per all dates

But I'm not sure how to make it flexible - cases_total_date keys can differ (different string dates), so I'm looking for a universal approach, where I woudn't need to specify field names. But since I'm not good at mongo, my attempt hasn't led to the result. So if you have some idea, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!


  • As mentioned in your previous question, using a proper schema(i.e. without dynamic values as field names and storing dates as proper date objects) would suggest much easier query.

        "$match": {
          "account": {
            "$in": [
        "$unwind": "$cases_total_date"
        $group: {
          _id: "$",
          total: {
            $sum: "$cases_total_date.value"
        $group: {
          _id: null,
          cases_total_date: {
            $push: {
              date: "$_id",
              value: "$total"

    Mongo Playground

    For your current schema, the tricks is the same. Use $objectToArray to convert the object into array of k-v tuples. $unwind and re$group the results.

        "$match": {
          "account": {
            "$in": [
        $set: {
          cases_total_date: {
            "$objectToArray": "$cases_total_date"
        "$unwind": "$cases_total_date"
        $group: {
          _id: "$cases_total_date.k",
          total: {
            $sum: "$cases_total_date.v"
        $group: {
          _id: null,
          cases_total_date: {
            $push: {
              k: "$_id",
              v: "$total"
        "$project": {
          _id: 0,
          account: "total",
          cases_total_date: {
            "$arrayToObject": "$cases_total_date"

    Mongo Playground