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Can't change value of nodes with same name

Here is my XML file example :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

I want to change the value of nodes "wsdl_url"

I tried this :

$xml = [xml](get-content "c:\mme.xml")

# This works
write-host "Before" $[2]
$[2] = "Other"
write-host "After" $[2]

# This does not work
write-host "Before" $[2].cible.wsdl_url[0]
$[2].cible.wsdl_url[0] = "AA"
write-host "After" $[2].cible.wsdl_url[0]

In the first part, after having change que value of the id node, I get the new value ("Other"). In the second part, nothing change. Whats's wrong ?


  • As stated in comments, you can use SelectNodes method to get all wsdl_url nodes and from there is up to you what values would you like to use for each one of them. i.e. the below updates both existing nodes by index:

    $nodes = $xml.SelectNodes('//cible/wsdl_url')
    $nodes[0].'#text' = 'hello'
    $nodes[1].'#text' = 'world'

    Then the updated XML would look like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>