Power BI provides the Google Sheet connector which is no more in Beta version and should be available on any lates Power BI version.
On my laptop I'm running the version 2.114.664.0 64-bit (February 2023)
and I have updated Power BI also on the same version on our VDI so every employer can work on the same version of Power BI.
The problem is that the Google Sheet connector is present on my laptop but not on the Power BI, same version, on the VDI:
So, same version, but on the VDI is missing.
I go to search online and I find out that the problem might be related to missing Preview features or Security.
But I have ticket all options both in Preview feature and Security and after restarting Power BI the Google Sheet connector is still missing.
Where am I wrong?
Have you tried reinstalling on the VDI?
The UI is just a shortcut for the following. Paste the following code into a blank query in Power Query and substitute your sheet name and url.
Source = GoogleSheets.Contents("https://sheeturl"),
Sheet1_Table = Source{[name="Sheet1",ItemKind="Table"]}[Data]