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How can we show custom progress indicator progress as per dynamic data in flutter?

enter image description here

So, I want to add circle progress indicator around this image. and that progress indicator shows progress as per dynamic value. I mean the progress is dynamic not fixed. So, How can we do that ?


  • You can use Percent Indicator package to achieve dynamic loader based on your content.

    For Example :

    // Using ValueNotifier to update whenever the value of the progress changed
        final ValueNotifier<double?> completionValue = ValueNotifier(null);
    // Call this function on where you are updating the progress value 
        void _updateProgressUI({
            required int totalFiles,
            required int totalSuccess,
          }) {
    //Update completionValue value 
            completionValue.value = totalSuccess / totalFiles;
    // Use this widget on you screen to show the progress indicator 
                  padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: ,),
                  child: ValueListenableBuilder<double?>(
                    valueListenable: completionValue,
                    builder: (_, completionValue, __) {
                      return CircularPercentIndicator(
                        lineHeight: 16,
                        progressColor: your_color,
                        backgroundColor: your_color,
                        percent: completionValue ?? 0,
                        animationDuration: 1000,
                        animateFromLastPercent: true,
                        animation: true,
                        linearStrokeCap: LinearStrokeCap.roundAll,

    Try to wrap the circular indicator out side your image.