I need to set up a new Oracle XE database after the server holding our old XE testing database suddenly died. To do this I do have a .dmp file from when the database was functional. The server is a Windows machine. The database structure was originally created in an Oracle 11g environment but the server had been updated since so the .dmp was created in a 19c environment. The new Oracle XE database I'm trying to set up is 21c.
The installation of Oracle XE worked, but trying to create a PDB fails with ORA-65100 "missing or invalid path prefix". Issued the following statements in sqlplus via command line:
create pluggable database DATABASE_MAIN
admin user USERNAME identified by PASSWORD
storage (maxsize 2G)
default tablespace TS_DATA
datafile '/disk1/Oracle/product/21c/dbhomeXE/pdbs/DATABASE_MAIN/DATABASE_MAIN.dbf' size 250M autoextend on
path_prefix = '/disk1/Oracle/product/21c/dbhomeXE/pdbs/DATABASE_MAIN/'
file_name_convert = ('/disk1/Oracle/product/21c/dbhomeXE/pdbs/pdbseed', '/disk1/Oracle/product/21c/dbhomeXE/pdbs/DATABASE_MAIN/');
So this line is currently throwing the error:
path_prefix = '/disk1/Oracle/product/21c/dbhomeXE/pdbs/DATABASE_MAIN/'
Things I've tried to get around the error:
Searching online for what invalidates the path prefix sadly didn't give me any answers however Oracle's documentation states the following as a valid example path prefix:
PATH_PREFIX = '/disk1/oracle/dbs/salespdb/'
This is my first time interacting with this "new" Oracle database structure of CDB/PDB as I've only worked with older databases so far that were built with the user/schema structure.
As noted in the comments, the issue was due to the UNIX style paths rather than Windows styled.
So changing the paths from
resolved the issue.
Here's the functional create-statement as run in sqlplus:
create pluggable database DATABASE_MAIN
admin user USERNAME identified by PASSWORD
storage (maxsize 2G)
default tablespace TS_DATA
datafile 'C:\Oracle\product\21c\oradata\XE\DATABASE_MAIN\DATABASE_MAIN.dbf' size 250M autoextend on
path_prefix = 'C:\Oracle\product\21c\oradata\XE\DATABASE_MAIN'
file_name_convert = ('C:\Oracle\product\21c\oradata\XE\pdbseed','C:\Oracle\product\21c\oradata\XE\DATABASE_MAIN');