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How to benchmark methods from different classes that require arguments?

I want to use BenchmarkDotNet to run benchmarks on all three Run() methods of the following classes. But it's not clear what the syntax should be.

class Class1
    public bool Run(ref string[] columns)
        // ...

class Class2
    public bool Run(ref string[] columns)
        // ...

class Class3
    public bool Run(ref string[] columns)
        // ...

I tried syntax like this.


But this gives me an error.

Benchmark method ReadRow has incorrect signature.
Method shouldn't have any arguments.

Questions: To compare the performance of these three methods:

  • How do I satisfy the argument requirements and eliminate this error?
  • How do I compare the performance of the methods? Do I simply call BenchmarkRunner.Run<Class1>() for each class, sequentially?


  • How do I satisfy the argument requirements and eliminate this error?

    Create class containing parameterless benchmark method and invoke the becnhmarked method there passing parameters. Either create the param in-place or use some precreated ones:

    class MyBenchmark
        public bool RunClass1()
            var columns = // create string[]; maybe use field to store it
            new Class1().BenchmarkedMethod(ref columns);

    Also check the docs articles on:

    If needed approaches specified there will allow to move instance and parameter creation out of the benchmarked methods.

    How do I compare the performance of the methods

    Move all method inside one benchmark class.

    class MyBenchmark
        public bool RunClass1()
            var columns = // create string[];
            return new Class1().BenchmarkedMethod(ref columns);
        public bool RunClass2()
            var columns = // create string[];
            return new Class2().BenchmarkedMethod(ref columns);