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Encrypt File from browser AES-GCM

I have a problem with encrypting and decrypting files with AES GCM, I encrypt/decrypt my files with this code:

I tried many some libraries but they didnt solve my problem.

var FileSaver = require("file-saver");

export function formatBytes(bytes) {
  var marker = 1024; // Change to 1000 if required
  var decimal = 3; // Change as required
  var kiloBytes = marker; // One Kilobyte is 1024 bytes
  var megaBytes = marker * marker; // One MB is 1024 KB
  var gigaBytes = marker * marker * marker; // One GB is 1024 MB

  // return bytes if less than a KB
  if (bytes < kiloBytes) return bytes + " Bytes";
  // return KB if less than a MB
  else if (bytes < megaBytes)
    return (bytes / kiloBytes).toFixed(decimal) + " KB";
  // return MB if less than a GB
  else if (bytes < gigaBytes)
    return (bytes / megaBytes).toFixed(decimal) + " MB";
  // return GB if less than a TB
  else return (bytes / gigaBytes).toFixed(decimal) + " GB";

export const encryptFile = async (key, iv, file) => {
  return await window.crypto.subtle.encrypt(
      name: "AES-GCM",
      iv: iv

  Get some key material to use as input to the deriveKey method.
  The key material is a password supplied by the user.
export const getKeyMaterial = async (password) => {
  let enc = new TextEncoder();
  return window.crypto.subtle.importKey(
    { name: "PBKDF2" },
    ["deriveBits", "deriveKey"]

Given some key material and some random salt
derive an AES-GCM key using PBKDF2.
export const getKey = async (keyMaterial, salt) => {
  return window.crypto.subtle.deriveKey(
      name: "PBKDF2",
      salt: salt,
      iterations: 100000,
      hash: "SHA-256"
    { name: "AES-GCM", length: 256 },
    ["encrypt", "decrypt"]

// get the iv which is similar the salt value used for encryption
export const getiv = () => {
  return window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(12));

// load the file in the memory
export const getFile = async (inputFile) => {
  return await inputFile.arrayBuffer();

export const decryptFile = (iv, key, cipherText) => {
  return window.crypto.subtle.decrypt(
      name: "AES-GCM",
      iv: iv

export const getDigest = (uid) => {
  let enc = new TextEncoder();

  return crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", enc.encode(uid));

export const startEncryption = async (file, password) => {
  console.log(file, password);
  let digest = getDigest(password);
  let rawFile = getFile(file);
  let keyMaterial = getKeyMaterial();
  Promise.all([digest, rawFile, keyMaterial]).then((values) => {
    let salt = new Uint8Array(
      "12345678".match(/[\da-f]{2}/gi).map(function (h) {
        return parseInt(h, 16);

    let iv = new Uint8Array(
        .map(function (h) {
          return parseInt(h, 16);
    // generate a crypto key
    getKey(values[2], salt).then((resp) => {
      encryptFile(resp, iv, values[1]).then((cipherText) => {
        let fileBlob = new Blob([cipherText], { type: file.type });

export const startDecryption = (cipherText, password) => {
  let keyMaterial = getKeyMaterial();
  let digest = getDigest(password);
  let rawFile = getFile(cipherText);
  Promise.all([digest, rawFile, keyMaterial]).then((values) => {
    let salt = new Uint8Array(
      "12345678".match(/[\da-f]{2}/gi).map(function (h) {
        return parseInt(h, 16);

    let iv = new Uint8Array(
        .map(function (h) {
          return parseInt(h, 16);

    // generate a crypto key
    getKey(values[2], salt).then((resp) => {
      decryptFile(iv, resp, values[1]).then((file) => {
        let fileBlob = new Blob([file], { type: file.type });

Files can be encrypt/decrypted but they can be decrypted with any password even if it doesnt match the password it encrypted with. What am i missing here?


  • you call getKeyMaterial() without the password, so its always undefined. try getKeyMaterial(password);