I need to pass a value from a database to Listview via a binding. I managed to make static data by simply adding values to the List and linking them to the desired columns. But I don't understand how to make it so that I could display values from my database (I work through the connection string and MySQL).
What the markup looks like
DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding ID}"
Header="ID" />
DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Title}"
Header="Title" />
DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Description}"
Header="Description" />
DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding BuildData}"
My model
public class BuildModel
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string BuildData { get; set; }
public int Architect { get; set; }
public int Location { get; set; }
public int Teg { get; set; }
public class BuildManager
public static List<BuildModel> GetBuilds()
List<BuildModel> items = new List<BuildModel>();
items.Add(new BuildModel() {ID = 1, Title = "Test1", Description = "Desc1", BuildData = "12.12.2022", Architect = 1, Location = 1, Teg = 1});
items.Add(new BuildModel() {ID = 2, Title = "Test2", Description = "Desc2"});
items.Add(new BuildModel() {ID = 3, Title = "Test3"});
items.Add(new BuildModel() {ID = 4, Title = "Test4"});
return items;
How do I pass values from a model
public partial class BuildPageAdmin : Page
private List<BuildModel> Builds;
public BuildPageAdmin()
LVBuild.ItemsSource = BuildManager.GetBuilds();
Simply use data binding: create a public property to hold the source collection and update it with data from your database. Data binding overview (WPF .NET)
If your collection is a ObservableCollection
you can update it dynamically:
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Page}, Path=Builds}">
public partial class BuildPageAdmin : Page
// Create a binding source for the ListView
public ObservableCollection<BuildModel> Builds { get; }
public BuildPageAdmin()
this.Builds = new ObservableCollection<BuildModel>();
this.Loaded += OnPageLoaded;
private void OnPageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
=> UpdateBuildModels();
// Dynamically update the source collection at any time
private void UpdateBuildModels()
// Get data from database
IEnumerable<BuldModel> newBuildModels = BuildManager.GetBuilds();
// Update source collection with new data from the database
foreach (BuildModel buildModel in newBuildModels)