Due to my feeble understanding of allocating type memory to pointers, the following causes a bus error on the call to barrier_create ("hi" is never printed).
typedef struct barrier barrier_t;
typedef struct barrier *barrier_p;
barrier_p test_barrier_p;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int barrier_create(barrier_p *barrier_pointer) {
barrier_p old_barrier, new_barrier;
int count;
old_barrier = (barrier_p) *barrier_pointer;
new_barrier = (barrier_p) malloc(sizeof(*new_barrier));
count = pthread_mutex_init(&new_barrier->lock, NULL);
new_barrier->is_valid = VALID_BARRIER;
new_barrier->counter = 0;
new_barrier->release_flag = 0;
*barrier_pointer = new_barrier;
What am I missing or mis-typing?
Since barrier_create
takes address of a barrier_p
, this should be &test_barrier_p
, not *test_barrier_p
Inaccurate test of code reachability because stdout is likely buffered; I'd recommend fprintf(stderr, "hi\n");
new_barrier = (barrier_p) malloc(sizeof(*new_barrier));
I'd say sizeof(barrier_t)
. Again a *
in an odd place, the _p
notation may not be helping your type manipulation clarity.
For pedanticism, I would check the return value of malloc. I see little point in keeping the old value unless to recover in some way from a malloc error.
What is the purpose of count?