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Using a mock location provider in an espresso test on Android 11+

My Android app uses the position provided by the gps. One of my classes overrides the onProviderDisabled method of LocationListener. The app is working fine and gets the gps position.

I have an Espresso test that create a test provider for mock locations in the @Before setup() method of my test class:

locationManager = (LocationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
locationManager.addTestProvider(LOCATION_PROVIDER_NAME, false,
                                false, false, false,
                                true, true, true,
locationManager.setTestProviderEnabled(LOCATION_PROVIDER_NAME, false);

Then in my test, I call

locationManager.setTestProviderEnabled(LOCATION_PROVIDER_NAME, true);
test if gps is enabled

On an Android 8 device, this code works fine (onProviderDisabled not called)

But on Android 11, 12 and 13 devices, about 300 ms after enabling the test provider, the onProviderDisabled is called.

What do I need to do to enable mock location on new Android devices?


  • I finally found the solution. It is so easy when you know it ! On recent Android devices, when using mock locations in Espresso test, you must switch ON the location service manually before running the test.

    Note: this was not required on Android 8 devices