Search code examples

Magento 1.6, Google Shopping / Products / Content

Magento 1.6 was out at the beginning of this week but upgrading from 1.5.1 with the mage_googleshopping extension ( up to v.1.6 was not something feasible.

mage_googleshopping remained compatible only with 1.5. Any working alternative to have the mage_googleshopping extension available on a clean Magento 1.6 installation or we have to wait for a stable extension release which goes with v.1.6?

Cheers, Bogdan


  • I have browsed the Internet and searched for a problem to this, eventually I've turned into this script which runes separately but it connects to the Magento DB. The scripts generates the file, which can be uploaded following a schedule to Google.

    Besides the fact that the script is totally editable, you can fully monitor all the processes behind it. The Magento script still can't be removed from a 1.6 Magento version.

    The script wasn't developed by me but I did update it according with the latest rules enforced from 22/9/2011 by Google.

    require_once '../app/Mage.php';
        $handle = fopen(SAVE_FEED_LOCATION, 'w');
        $heading = array('id','mpn','title','description','link','image_link','price','brand','product_type','condition', 'google_product_category', 'manufacturer', 'availability');
        $feed_line=implode("\t", $heading)."\r\n";
        fwrite($handle, $feed_line);
        $products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
        $products->addAttributeToFilter('status', 1);
        $products->addAttributeToFilter('visibility', 4);
        $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
        $counter_test = 0;
        foreach($prodIds as $productId) {
            if (++$counter_test < 30000){
                $product_data = array();
                $product_data['sku'] = $product->getSku();
                $product_data['mpn'] = $product->getSku();
                $title_temp = $product->getName();
                if (strlen($title_temp) > 70){
                    $title_temp = str_replace("Supply", "", $title_temp);
                    $title_temp = str_replace("  ", " ", $title_temp);
                $product_data['title'] = $title_temp;
                $product_data['description'] = substr(iconv("UTF-8","UTF-8//IGNORE",$product->getDescription()), 0, 900);
                $product_data['Deeplink'] = "".$product->getUrlPath(); 
                $product_data['image_link'] = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA).'catalog/product'.$product->getImage();
                $price_temp = round($product->getPrice(),2);
                $product_data['price'] = round($product->getPrice(),2) + 5;
                $product_data['brand'] = $product->getData('brand');
                $product_data['product_type'] = 'Laptop Chargers &amp; Adapters';
                $product_data['condition'] = "new";
                $product_data['category'] = $product_data['brand'];
                $product_data['manufacturer'] = $product_data['brand'];
                $product_data['availability'] = "in stock";
                foreach($product_data as $k=>$val){
                    $good=array(""," "," "," ","");
                    $product_data[$k] = '"'.str_replace($bad,$good,$val).'"';
                echo $counter_test  . " ";
                $feed_line = implode("\t", $product_data)."\r\n";
                fwrite($handle, $feed_line);
    catch(Exception $e){
    1. Change into what you need.
    2. Assign the proper permissions.
    3. Fully updated according with Google's requirements.