I got a package that i am about to upload to a local devpi server. I got some issues with the package not being able to find the conf.py file for Sphinx which makes sense as it looks at the (package_name)/docs
folder instead of (package_name)/docs/source
which i use and also has all the RST files in it. How do i in pyproject.toml configure Devpi to set sphinx source_dir to (package_name)/docs/source
It could surely be resolved in some way using sys.path.append()
and then changing the path of the config but I do wonder about the configuration of this and if it is supported.
An update on this.
It is hardcoded in the devpi-client how it builds the docs.
I figured out that the devpi client have already been implemented to support (package_name)/docs/source
Next version of devpi-client will include this, but it is still hardcoded to 2 paths and does not allow for putting it differently.