I have a C# method declared like so:
public void Process<K, V>(params KeyValuePair<K, V>[] items)
Usage of this method looks kind of ugly; for example:
new KeyValuePair("key", "value"),
new KeyValuePair(123, Guid.NewGuid())
In Kotlin, you can create pairs using the to
infix function; for example:
val pair1 = "key" to "value"
val pair2 = 123 to UUID.randomUUID()
So the equivalent method usage looks a little tidier; for example:
process("key" to "value", 123 to UUID.randomUUID())
C# doesn't have infix functions, but something nearly equivalent could be achieved with extension methods; for example:
public static KeyValuePair<K, V> To<K, V>(this K key, V value) where K : notnull
return new KeyValuePair(key, value);
var pair1 = "key".To("value");
var pair2 = 123.To(Guid.NewGuid());
Process("key".To("value"), 123.To(Guid.NewGuid()));
That doesn't seem like the most elegant solution, so the other thing I was considering was that C# has dictionary initializer syntax; for example:
new Dictionary<object, object>()
["key"] = "value",
[123] = Guid.NewGuid()
new Dictionary<object, object>()
{ "key", "value" },
{ 123, Guid.NewGuid() }
So I was wondering whether dictionary initializer syntax could be applied to a method parameter; for example:
Process({ ["key"] = "value", [123] = Guid.NewGuid() });
Process({{ "key", "value" }, { 123, Guid.NewGuid() }});
Is dictionary initializer syntax as a method parameter possible, or is it syntactic sugar provided by the compiler when using a dictionary?
Are there any other elegant ways to create params
of KeyValuePair<K, V>
This is currently (as of 2023, C# 11) the best you can get with C# out of the box.
As you wrote yourself, C# 3 introduced shorthand init using curly brackets, C# 6 introduced named parameters init, and C# 9 allows you to use new()
when the instantiated type can be inferred.
Meaning that you can do:
// C# 3+
CallMethod(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "ka", "a" }, { "kb", "b" } });
// C# 6+
CallMethod(new Dictionary<string, string> { ["ka"] = "a", ["kb"] = "b" });
// C# 9+
CallMethod(new() { { "ka", "a" }, { "kb", "b" } });
If you really want to use params, one way to reduce some keystrokes would be to use ValueTuple
s, something like
public static Dictionary<K, V> CallMethod<K, V>(params (K key, V value)[] values)
var dict = new Dictionary<K, V>();
foreach (var kvp in values)
dict[kvp.key] = kvp.value;
return dict;
and then you can do
// C# 7+, return type is inferred to be Dictionary<string, string>
CallMethod(("ka", "a"), ("kb", "b"));
There is also a proposed update for collection literals in C#12 C#13 which would allow you to use the following syntax:
// C# 13+ proposal (originally C# 12, but moved)
CallMethod(["ka": "a", "kb": "b"]);