I just built and installed boost_1_47_0 using the following on cygwin
./bootstrap.sh --with-libraries=chrono,date_time,exception,filesystem,graph,graph_parallel,iostreams,math,program_options,random,serialization,signals,system,test,thread,wave link=static link=shared threading=single threading=multi
then I ran the below,
./b2 --layout=tagged
and the message indicated that it:
failed updating 2 targets and skipped 7 targets....
but I continued and ran
./b2 --layout=tagged install
however, I look in /usr/local/lib and I only have those libraries with suffix -mt
My programs are looking for the libraries without the -mt suffix. but since it didn't work, I ran in sequence:
bjam --clean debug release
./bootstrap.sh --with-libraries=all
./b2 --layout=tagged
./b2 --layout=tagged install
but I still see only the -mt libraries in /usr/local/lib
can anyone please suggest how this can be fixed (my programs look for libboost_date_time and not libboost_date_time-mt)...thx!
You need to use "--layout=system"