i am trying to display list of steps/ingredients from the recipe api with react.ts but i am unsure how to define the type of nested array of objects.
i am able to access the title, image and summary but not the steps in analizedInstructions.
export function RecipeDetails() {
const initialRecipeState = {
title: '',
analizedInstructions: [{
steps: [{
name: ''
image: '',
summary: ''
const { id } = useParams();
const [data, setData] = useState<RecipeData>(initialRecipeState);
useEffect( () => {
const getData = async() => {
const newData = await fetchData(`https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/${id}/information?apiKey=key&includeNutrition=false`)
this is my types file
export type RecipeData = {
title: string,
analizedInstructions: Steps,
image: string,
summary: string
export type Steps = {
name: Name
export type Name = {
name: string
and this is the data i get from the api im tying to access api data
i tried to find a solution via stackoverflow but didnt find quite what i was looking for.
export type RecipeData = {
title: string,
analizedInstructions: Instruction[],
image: string,
summary: string
export type Instruction = {
steps: Step[]
export type Step = {
name: string