I have a file containing different fields. I have another file containing a list of different words. I need to use awk command to extract from my 1st file all records where a specific field contains one or different words from my 2nd file.
For example 1st file:
Feb 15 12:05:10 lcif adm.slm: root [23416]: cd /tmp
Feb 15 12:05:24 lcif adm.slm: root [23416]: cat tst.sh
Feb 15 12:05:44 lcif adm.slm: root [23416]: date
Feb 15 12:05:52 lcif adm.pse: root [23419]: rm -f file
Feb 15 12:05:58 lcif adm.pse: root [23419]: who
Feb 15 12:06:02 lcif adm.pse: root [23419]: uptime
Feb 15 12:06:56 lcif adm.pse: root [23419]: reboot
Feb 15 12:06:58 lcif adm.pse: root [23419]: ls -lrt
For example 2nd file:
Then awk command should returns:
Feb 15 12:05:52 lcif adm.pse: root [23419]: rm -f file
Feb 15 12:06:56 lcif adm.pse: root [23419]: reboot
Tried deperatly with array/map.
Tried this to:
awk -F ": " '{if ($3 ~ "^rm" || $3 ~ "^reboot" || $3 ~ "^shutdown") print}'
But the list of words I'm looking for is getting bigger and bigger. I'd rather use a file list.
Appreciate any help.
Thank you ! Serge
don't waste time with arrays. just dynamically generate hard-coded regex
on the fly :
printf '%s' "${file_a}" |
gawk -p- -b 'BEGIN { FS = "[]]: " } '"$(
awk -v __="${file_b}" 'BEGIN {
FS = RS ; OFS = "|"
RS = "^$"; _= ORS = ""
$_ = __
print "$NF ~ \"^(" $(_*(NF-=_==$NF)) ")( |$)\"" }' )"
Feb 15 12:05:52 lcif adm.pse: root [23419]: rm -f file
Feb 15 12:06:56 lcif adm.pse: root [23419]: reboot
# this part being dynamically generated
awk 'BEGIN { FS = "[]]: " } $NF ~ "^(rm|reboot|shutdown)( |$)" '
then instead of looping through an array, it'll be a high speed single pass through file A
without having to store any rows in between