I'm trying to perform a query that filters an array from another document, to mention something about the structure, I try to populate the document based on the specified product and store id, so that it doesn't bring the other data from the array but in this case I understand that I can't access the document fields while in the middleware, I'm reading the documentation but I still learning concepts
bUnitSchema.pre(/^find/, function (next) {
path: "menuItem.product",
select: {
"storeId.$": 1,
match: {
"storeId.store": "62a811d1af67f5415770f297",
any guide would be of excellent help
I try something like this
bUnitSchema.pre(/^find/, function (next) {
path: "menuItem.product",
select: {
"storeId.$": 1,
match: {
*//here im trying to do something like this*
*"storeid.store": bUnitSchema.menuItem.store*
but give me
store not defined
I can solve it, i use a post hook :
bUnitSchema.post(/^find/, async function (docs) {
for (let doc of docs) {
for (let store of doc.menuItem) {
await doc.populate({
path: "menuItem.product",
select: {
image: 1,
imagePath: 1,
plateFor: 1,
description: 1,
name: 1,
_id: 1,
"storeId.$": 1,
match: {
"storeId.store": store.store,
If anyone has a better idea, it would be appreciated.