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Is this a new bug? Size of Safe Area at Storyboard - Landscape Mode - XCode Version 14.2 (14C18)

I want to work on a new project but please please see the photo below.

Is there a change that I am not aware of?


enter image description here


  • Yes, there appears to have been an Interface Builder(IB) change, i.e. bug, introduced in one of the later versions of Xcode. On a private forum, students have noted this change.

    Fortunately the safe area constraints should work as intended on a device or a simulator.

    For example, a view(in orange) was added with constraints to the safe area. Landscape in IB looks like this: enter image description here

    However, when that same view is running on a simulator in landscape mode the view looks like this, which I think is the intended layout:

    enter image description here