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ReactJS TypeScript Mui Alert box message with href link

I have MUI Alert box in my application. I need to change inside message with href URL. when I set the herf tag it shows as text, I want to display it as link.

From the blow code, when I click Button, it display href as text. May I know how to display it as html link?

import * as React from 'react';
import { useState } from 'react';
import Stack from '@mui/material/Stack';
import Button from '@mui/material/Button';
import { Alert} from '@mui/material';
import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography';

export default function BasicAlerts() {
  const [message, setMessage] = useState('Form Loaded');

 // function to handle the click event on the link
  const handleLinkClick = () => {
    console.log("inside function")
    var u='<a href="">Visit Google</a>'
    setMessage("changed : " +u)

  return (
    <Stack sx={{ width: '100%' }} spacing={2}>
      <Alert variant="outlined" severity="info">
        This is an info alert — check it out!
        {message}{' '}
       <Button onClick={handleLinkClick}>Change</Button>

Here is the code share link:


  • Your state is actually a string also on your click event your setMessage("changed : " +u) output is a string. so your anchor html is become an normal text under <Typography /> tag.

    You can set your href through your click event and based on your href you can show your output as an normal typgraphy or a anchor link.

    For Example :

    • For your click event action you can do something like this:
      const [href, setHref] = useState("");
      const [message, setMessage] = useState("Form Loaded");
      // function to handle the click event on the link
      const handleLinkClick = () => {
        console.log("inside function");
        var url = "";
        setMessage("visit Google");
    • and for rendering the changes on event action :
          <Alert variant="outlined" severity="info">
            This is an info alert — check it out!
              <br />
              {href ? (
                <a id="anchor" href={href}>
              ) : (