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How can I import external libraries into the code sandbox?

I've been trying to import a library called chart.js to the code sandbox on slate, but even after I read the documentation I was quite doubtful about how the import system works inside the code sandbox, I wish someone could explain me in detail how I do the import of the library, how to call it in the LIBRARY LOCATIONS field and also how to call it in the JAVASCRIPT field inside the code sandbox


  • Step-by-step:

    • Drag-and-drop the JS file in a project or folder of your choice (not in a dataset !)
    • Choose Upload as a raw file without modifying the extension (recommended) when prompted
    • Let it upload
    • You will see the JS file in the project or folder you uploaded it to, you can then select the line representing your file and this should open a right panel, where you can find the path to this file e.g. /myproject/myfolder/myJSlibrary.js
    • In Slate, add a Code-Sandbox widget
    • In the configuration of the code Sandbox widget, find at the bottom the LIBRARY LOCATIONS section (see here)
    • Past the path you found earlier, in an array, like ["/myproject/myfolder/myJSlibrary.js"]

    If you need multiple libraries, you should have something like: ["/myproject/myfolder/myJSlibrary.js", "/myproject/myfolder/myOtherJSlibrary.js"]

    For the library usage, it depends of course of which kind of problem you hit. But here is a minimal working example.

    Library from here Below example from official page


    <canvas id="acquisitions"></canvas>


      const data = [
        { year: 2010, count: 10 },
        { year: 2011, count: 20 },
        { year: 2012, count: 15 },
        { year: 2013, count: 25 },
        { year: 2014, count: 22 },
        { year: 2015, count: 30 },
        { year: 2016, count: 28 },
    new Chart(
          type: 'bar',
          options: {
            animation: false,
            plugins: {
              legend: {
                display: false
              tooltip: {
                enabled: false
          data: {
            labels: => row.year),
            datasets: [
                label: 'Acquisitions by year',
                data: => row.count)

    Note: You can see errors related to your lib in the Console tab of your browser's devtools panel.