I'm trying to find the best approach to delivering a BI solution to 400+ customers which each have their own database.
I've got PowerBI Embedded working using service principal licensing and I have the PowerBI service connected to my data through the On Premise Data Gateway.
I've build my first report pointing to 1 of the customer databases. Which works lovely.
What I want to do next, when embedding the report, is to tell PowerBI, for this session, to get the database from a different database.
I'm struggling to find somewhere where this is explained, or to understand if this is even possible.
I'm trying to avoid creating 400+ WorkSpaces or 400+ Data Sets.
If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated.
You can configure the report to use parameters and these parameters can be used to configure the source for your dataset: https://www.phdata.io/blog/how-to-parameterize-data-sources-power-bi/
These parameters can be set by the app hosting the embedded report: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/datasets/update-parameters-in-group
Because the app is setting the parameter, each user will only see their own data. Since this will be a live connection, you would need to think about how the underlying server can support the workload.
An alternative solution would be to consolidate the customer databases into a single database (just the relevant tables) and use row level security to restrict access for each customer. The advantage to this design is that you take the burden off of the underlying SQL instance and push it into a PBI dataset that is made to handle huge datasets with sub-second response times. More on that here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/enterprise/service-admin-rls