Our problem statement looks like:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Close': np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=10)})
This is sample data taken,other actual data is of a company's stock price
Close change
0 54.881350 NaN
1 71.518937 16.637586
2 60.276338 -11.242599
3 54.488318 -5.788019
4 42.365480 -12.122838
We have assinged a threshold with a range(0-1)
First, diff in change in index 1 and index 2 value are compared with threshold value,
Same will be done for index 2 and index 3, and then index 3 and index 4
Now say the results are, final result will be through majority of voting:
index 1&2 index 2&3 index 3&4 Majority of voting
1 0 1 1
Now, the final result by majority of voting will be assigned to a new column at index 0, and so on.
Close change Result
0 54.881350 NaN 0
1 71.518937 16.637586 1
2 60.276338 -11.242599 -1
3 54.488318 -5.788019 1
4 42.365480 -12.122838 -1
I tried few times, but couldn't figure out how it will finally executed.
is what you are looking for:
lbound, ubound = 0, 1
change = df["Close"].diff()
df["Change"] = change
df["Result"] = np.select(
# The exceptions. Floats are not exact. If they are "close enough" to
# 1, we consider them to be equal to 1, etc.
np.isclose(change, 1) | np.isclose(change, 0) | np.isclose(change, -1),
# The other conditions
(change > 0) & (change > ubound),
(change < 0) & (change < lbound),
change.between(lbound, ubound),
[0, 1, -1, 0],