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Brakeman error parse error on value ')' as a result of updated syntax

I have recently installed brakeman and ran the gem on my system. One error it is picking up is in relation to what I believe is a parenthesis.

The line of code it is picking an error up on is:

%p=link_to("Click here", url_for(only_path: false, host: ConfigSetting.get("FORGET_PASSWORD_HOST_PREFIX","localhost"), account_new_passwd_reset_path(key: @guid)))

I have recently updated syntax which required an extra parenthesis after the 'account_new_passwd_path'. I believe this is the issue but I cannot understand why.

The outdated code I had was:

%p=link_to("Click here", url_for(:only_path=>false, :host=>ConfigSetting.get("FORGET_PASSWORD_HOST_PREFIX","localhost"), :controller=>:account, :action=>:new_passwd_reset, :key=>@guid))

As you can see in terms of the routing it is the biggest change around the key @guid area. Any ideas?

The error I am receiving is 'Error: app/views/passwd_reset_mailer/password_reset.haml:3 :: parse error on value ")" (tRPAREN) Could not parse app/views/passwd_reset_mailer/password_reset.haml'


  • The problem is the order of arguments. Keyword arguments need to be at the end of the argument list. But then there is another issue that using a url helper together with url_for doesn't really makes sense.

    Just change:

         "Click here", 
           only_path: false, 
           host: ConfigSetting.get("FORGET_PASSWORD_HOST_PREFIX","localhost"), 
           account_new_passwd_reset_path(key: @guid)


         "Click here", 
           host: ConfigSetting.get("FORGET_PASSWORD_HOST_PREFIX","localhost"), 
           key: @guid

    Please note the _url instead of the _path suffix, which test Rails to build a full URL including the hostname.