Is there any possible way to convert Get-MailboxFolderStatistics
returned folderId
) to Microsoft Graph API restId
I've tried to use users/{userId}/translateExchangeIds
endpoint but didn't get any useful results.
Does users/{userId}/translateExchangeIds
endpoint support translating storeId
to restId
Is there any other way to translate this id's ?
You need to convert storeId
to entryId
by yourself and then use users/{userId}/translateExchangeIds
to convert entryId
to restId
For converting storeId
to entryId
convert folderId
from base64 string to hex string. Then parse entryId
hex string and encode entryId
hex string to entryId
$folderId = "LgAAAADMaqNx7y87SYAkFzRBDsNkAQDBGxV/99wUQoEROcv7tgfjAAAWrAyWAAAB"
# convert from base64 to bytes
$folderIdBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($folderId)
# convert byte array to string, remove '-' and ignore first byte
$folderIdHexString = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($folderIdBytes).Replace('-','')
$folderIdHexStringLength = $folderIdHexString.Length
# get hex entry id string by removing first and last byte
$entryIdHexString = $folderIdHexString.SubString(2,($folderIdHexStringLength-4))
# convert to byte array - two chars represents one byte
$entryIdBytes = [byte[]]::new($entryIdHexString.Length / 2)
For($i=0; $i -lt $entryIdHexString.Length; $i+=2){
$entryIdTwoChars = $entryIdHexString.Substring($i, 2)
$entryIdBytes[$i/2] = [convert]::ToByte($entryIdTwoChars, 16)
# convert bytes to base64 string
$entryIdBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($entryIdBytes)
# count how many '=' contains base64 entry id
$equalCharCount = $entryIdBase64.Length - $entryIdBase64.Replace('=','').Length
# trim '=', replace '/' with '-', replace '+' with '_' and add number of '=' at the end
$entryId = $entryIdBase64.TrimEnd('=').Replace('/','_').Replace('+','-')+$equalCharCount
with value LgAAAADMaqNx7y87SYAkFzRBDsNkAQDBGxV/99wUQoEROcv7tgfjAAAWrAyWAAAB
is converted to entryId
Then use the converted entryId
in the call
"inputIds" : [
"sourceIdType": "entryId",
"targetIdType": "restId"
"@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.convertIdResult)",
"value": [