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How to prevent a new array from being created everytime react page refreshes

I am trying to maintain a value of an array, arr, in a react component and I do not want a new array to be created with every render. That is because, I am setting arr as a dependency in useMemo(), and I do not want the callback function in useMemo to execute unless the actual values contained in arr change. However, what is actually happening and I want to prevent is that with every render, the callback function is executed. I thought of moving this array to be part of the props, is that correct?

let arr = ["name","age","degree"]
    useMemo(() => {
       //callback that get executed
      }, arr)


  • You can use the useState hook to initialize the array and keep the value unless you use the setter to modify it.

    const [arr, setArr] = useState(["name","age","degree"])