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Xquery group by on key fields and concatenate elements

I have a large well formated XML payload. I need to look through the XML and based on a key SupporterID and CampaignNumber, group the records and concatenate the CampaignID field with * delimeters. Along with retaining the 000123 value for CampaignData35.

In the input data there are 4 rows of data, I need them to be 1 row along with doing a case statement to lookup the values and return another set. I have tried the case statements seperately but get a sequence error...

Any help would be much appreciated.

INPUT Data below:

let $payload:= <results

I want it to look like this:



I tried the following which gave me the sequence error:

let $post :=
  for $i in $payload//row
          if ($i/CampaignID/text() eq '"Post"') then '123'
          else ''

let $email :=
  for $i in $payload//row
           if ($i/CampaignID/text() eq '"Email"') then '456'
            else ''

let $phone :=
  for $i in $payload//row
           if ($i/CampaignID/text() eq '"Phone"') then '789'
            else ''

  $post || '*' || $email || '*' || $phone

EDIT: I managed to make a little progress:

let $x:= $payload
  for $z in distinct-values($x//row/SupporterID)
let $c := $x//row[SupporterID=$z]/CampaignID

      concat('', string-join($c, "*"))

Got this result:


But I need to rebuilt the XML to bring back the entire row and all fields just replacing the above.


  • The key in achieving your goal is to use the XQuery FLWOR expression's group by clause.

    Here's one solution, which performs the following steps, derived from your description:

    1. Groups the <row> elements by a key derived from the <SupporterID> and <CampaignNumber> elements.
    2. Constructs a single new <row> element for each group, containing all child elements of one <row> element (taking the 1st from the group for example), except for the <CampaignID> child element - since you want to manipulate this element's contents.
    3. Constructs a new <CampaignID> child element, whose value consists of the original <CampaignID> elements mapped onto different values, sorted, and delimited by an * and wrapped in quotes.
    for $row in $payload/row
    group by $key := $row/SupporterID || "_" || $row/CampaignNumber
            $row[1]/* except $row[1]/CampaignID, 
                let $new-values :=
                    for $value in $row/CampaignID
                        switch ($value)
                            case '"Post"' return "123"
                            case '"Email"' return "456"
                            case '"Phone"' return "789"
                            default return ()
                    string-join(sort($new-values), "*")

    For more on the group by clause, see