I have a schema joi object:
const commonFields = {
id: joi.string().required(),
name: joi.string().required().min(5).max(50),
nif: joi.string().length(9).required(),
diet: joi.bool().required().strict(),
vegetarian: joi.bool().required().strict(),
const aluno = joi.object({
num: joi
regime: joi.string().required().valid("externo", "interno"),
When i make a PUT request to update a user i want to ignore the field "id" but when i make a POST request i want to make it required.
I tried the following:
In schema I added alter() to the field "id":
id: joi.string().alter({
post: (schema) => schema.required(),
put: (schema) => schema.forbidden(),
And in my functions i did this:
async function updateUser(req, res, type, db) {
try {
const { error } = requestValidation[type].validate(req.body, {
context: { method: req.method }
if (error) {
return res.status(400).send({ error: error.message });
const id = req.params.id;
const { name, nif, vegetarian, diet } = req.body;
But when i call this function in my PUT endpoint to update a user and add the field id into the requesition body it doesn't throw an error like it should throw. The response should be like this when i add the id to the body:
"error": "\"id\" is not allowed"
I want to ignore the id because I want to receive it by req.params.id. I may not be doing the best way but I'm open to new suggestions!
The documentation has an example using tailor with alter
const { error } = requestValidation[type].tailor(req.method.toLowerCase()).validate(req.body, {
context: { method: req.method }