I have this problem in Fortran where I need to generate a sequence of random numbers (precisely, 729 random numbers between 1 and 1000) and to do I use the intrinsic function random_number()
The problem, of course, is that it returns pseudorandom numbers and it happens to often that I get same values repeated. I'm not an expert in programming with Fortran, but how can I get 729 unique random numbers without repetitions? Can someone help me?
This shows how you can in an inelegant way solve your problem.
program p
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 10
logical :: a(n) = .false.
integer b(n), cnt
real x
cnt = 1
call random_number(x)
b(cnt) = n * x + 1
if (.not. a(b(cnt))) then
if (b(cnt) > n) cycle
a(b(cnt)) = .true.
cnt = cnt + 1
if (cnt > n) exit
end if
end do
print '(*(1X,I0))', b
end program p