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Angular 8 & ChartJS: Updating donut charts with HTTP Request data

I'm trying to update a dashboard with responses from HTTP requests I make, but even though the data is correctly fetched from the API, it doesn't update the chart.

  • Angular 8.2.14
  • Chart.js 2.8.0
  • Morris.js 0.5.0

The component is like this:

import { Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { DataService } from 'src/app/services/data.service';
import { ChartData } from 'angular-morris-js';
import * as Chart from 'chart.js';

    selector: 'app-component',
    templateUrl: './app.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
    @ViewChild('donutChart1', {static: false}) donutChart1Ref: ElementRef;
    donutChart: Chart;

        private dataService: DataService
    ) {}

    donutChartData: ChartData[] = [];

    public donutChartOptions = {
        colors : ['rgba(218,142,26,0.61)', 'rgba(10,82,166,0.72)', 'rgba(218,26,212,0.61)']

    ngOnInit() {

    loadChartData() {
            (response: any) => {
                const dataGroup1 = response.body.dataOne;
                const dataGroup2 = response.body.dataTwo;

                    label: 'Group 1',
                    value: dataGroup1
                    label: 'Group 2',
                    value: dataGroup2

                const ctx = this.donutChart1Ref.nativeElement.getContext('2d');
                this.donutChart = new Chart(ctx, null);

    async red() {

HTML code:

<div class="col-md-12 center-flex-column" id="donutChart1" mk-morris-js 
    [data]="donutChartData" [options]="donutChartOptions" size=100 

(requested by @yong-shun) The response that comes from the API is like this:

  "dataOne": 234,
  "dataTwo": 5346

I'm new to Angular, so if anyone can explain why this is happening and how to fix it, it'll be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • Turns out that just overwriting the property does the trick:

    loadChartData() {
                (response: any) => {
                    const dataGroup1 = response.body.dataOne;
                    const dataGroup2 = response.body.dataTwo;
                    this.donutChartData = [
                            label: 'Group 1',
                            value: dataGroup1
                            label: 'Group 2',
                            value: dataGroup2

    I'm using angular-morris-js so it basically takes care of the update automatically. Hope that this helps another devs too.