To a table with two columns, named Id
and Name
, how can I insert the following json as rows, but without explicitly specifying the column names of the table (i.e. without WITH (Id ..., Name ...
"Id": "f08af9c2-8e67-4a7f-9413-1afffa2de96b",
"SomeOtherKey": " ... ",
"Name": "The One",
"Name": "All is one"
"Id": "9bbb094b-aa64-4c36-90a2-50e10f91c6a3",
"Whatever": 99,
"Id": "af9d22d8-1e46-4d57-8179-75f094d2efa1",
"SomeArrayWhyNot": [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21]
"Surprise": "This one does not have a Name value!!! 😱"
The question is basically how to make SQL match the key-name to its suitable column name, ignoring json values with keys that do not have suitable column names, resulting with the following table (for the above json example):
Id | Name |
f08af9c2-8e67-4a7f-9413-1afffa2de96b | The One |
9bbb094b-aa64-4c36-90a2-50e10f91c6a3 | All is one |
af9d22d8-1e46-4d57-8179-75f094d2efa1 | NULL |
... | ... |
Not sure why you want this, but you can also do this:
INSERT INTO YourTable (Id, Name)
SELECT JSON_VALUE(x.value, '$.Id'), JSON_VALUE(x.value, '$.Name')
"Id": "f08af9c2-8e67-4a7f-9413-1afffa2de96b",
"SomeOtherKey": " ... ",
"Name": "The One"
"Name": "All is one",
"Id": "9bbb094b-aa64-4c36-90a2-50e10f91c6a3",
"Whatever": 99
"Id": "af9d22d8-1e46-4d57-8179-75f094d2efa1",
"SomeArrayWhyNot": [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21],
"Surprise": "This one doesn''t have a Name value!!! 😱"
}]') x
EDIT dynamic version. It has many caveats though, your column must match exactly the case in the json, it's very longwinded but if that's what floats your vessel...
declare @json nvarchar(max) = '[{
"Id": "f08af9c2-8e67-4a7f-9413-1afffa2de96b",
"SomeOtherKey": " ... ",
"Name": "The One"
"Name": "All is one",
"Id": "9bbb094b-aa64-4c36-90a2-50e10f91c6a3",
"Whatever": 99
"Id": "af9d22d8-1e46-4d57-8179-75f094d2efa1",
"SomeArrayWhyNot": [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21],
"Surprise": "This one doesn''t have a Name value!!! 😱"
create table YourTable (Id nvarchar(100), Name NVARCHAR(MAX))
create table #cols (name sysname, row_id int identity)
insert into #cols (name)
select STRING_ESCAPE(name, 'json')
from sys.columns sc
where sc.object_id = OBJECT_ID('YourTable')
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max)
set @sql = N'
SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql, '[COLS]',
STUFF((select ',' + QUOTENAME(name) from #cols order by row_id for xml Path(''), type).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, ''))
set @sql = replace(@sql, '[JSONS]',
stuff((SELECT ', JSON_VALUE(x.value, ''$."' + REPLACE(name,'''', '''''') + '"'')'
from #cols order by row_id for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, ''))
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@json nvarchar(max)', @json = @json
select * FROM YourTable