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How to convert string array data type to float array data type?

I am working on thermal sensor data. The first three data are as follows. Data is in an array of strings. Please find the data link here…. Thank you so much for helping.

[25.64177131652832, 25.456825256347656, 24.92892074584961, 24.316755294799805, 23.454368591308594, 22.40850067138672, 21.829116821289062, 21.764848709106445, 21.72584342956543, 24.04592514038086, 24.358749389648438, 24.438608169555664, 24.78814697265625, 24.301586151123047, 24.657527923583984, 24.677270889282227, 24.422500610351562, 24.059892654418945, 23.85132598876953]

[23.502470016479492, 23.628114700317383, 23.68063735961914, 23.141122817993164, 22.970962524414062, 22.815067291259766, 22.713998794555664, 22.732934951782227, 22.681840896606445, 23.653491973876953, 23.332386016845703, 23.260208129882812, 23.49359703063965, 23.29375648498535, 23.734455108642578, 23.88347053527832, 23.9250431060791, 23.524120330810547, 23.196813583374023]

[23.735689163208008, 23.837121963500977, 24.044170379638672, 23.415151596069336, 21.520160675048828, 20.2335205078125, 19.441017150878906, 19.177982330322266, 18.871313095092773, 23.82925796508789, 24.192703247070312, 23.958843231201172, 23.816261291503906, 23.37897300720215, 23.469127655029297, 23.600635528564453, 23.589786529541016, 23.144105911254883, 22.776491165161133]

How can I convert this data to float-type data for machine learning models? Thank you.

I tried the following:

df["thermal2"] = pd.to_numeric(df["thermal"],errors="coerce")

0    NaN
1    NaN
2    NaN
83   NaN
84   NaN

Name: thermal2, Length: 85, dtype: float64


  • The following code is working for me:

    def to_float(inps: str):
        ret = []
        for inp in inps:
            # Removing square braces
            inp = inp[1:-1]
            # Split using comma
            inp = inp.split(',')
            # Convert each string to float
            ret.append(list(map(float, inp)))   
        return ret