I have a number of animation sequences connected to an ENUM Blend Pose node. I can manually switch this enum value in the Anim Preview panel.
Now I wish to control this enum value from a bunch of buttons added to a User Widget. The widget is instantiated within the Level BP.
When I edit the onClick events on the buttons, I do not know how to get a reference to my enum variable (which I have exposed as Public in the Anim Blueprint's settings).
Essentially, each button is designed to change this variable to a unique value, which then should cause the appropriate animation to play within the Blend Pose.
How do I let the Widget have access to that variable? Or vice versa, how could I create a variable on the blueprint that can be used to set the Enum value on the Blend Pose?
Please note that I am using the visual blueprint editor, not C++ at this time.
I am coming from a 100% C++ background, so I may have some options on my mind that are not entirely working in BP, but we'll get to that.
This is one simple way I can think of. You could also work with an event dispatcher that broadcasts whenever a button is pressed and your actor is subscribed to it to get notified.
I hope any of this helps.