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Generate an output csv file outside the exe file made using Pyinstaller


I'm using PyInstaller on Windows to make an .exe file of my project, basically my projects generates a csv file as output and the name of the csv file is dependent on the current time so the program generates unique file each time it is ran

I couldn't find any resource online that could help me with this problem

PyInstaller Command that I used: (data.csv file added is supposed to be bundled with exe so no issue there)

pyinstaller src\ -F --name "Attendance_System" --add-data "src\data.csv;data" --add-data "C:\Users\Darshit Shah\OneDrive\Desktop\TCET\Att_Sys\att_sys\Lib\site-packages\customtkinter;customtkinter" --clean

code block where the file is generated:

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        endTime = str(

        op_file = f"{app.currdate}_{app.startTime[0:-7]}_{endTime[0:-7]}.csv".replace(":","-")
        print("O/P File generated")


Basically the code generates the file in the folder where my is located but after bundling it with PyInstaller i cant seem to achieve that

Project Structure

|--dist <--- "This is Where i want my output file to generate"
|  `--my_proj.exe
|  |--Include
|  |--Lib
|  |--Scripts
|  `--pyvenv.cfg
`--src <--- "Folder where my output file would normally generate without .exe"


  • Explanation of Problem

    I echo @mrblue6's statement, but through past coding, believe that the line


    is the problem here. This would appear to generate the file in (most probably) the %TEMP%\_MEIXXXX folder (under the local AppData folder). This is because a compiled program uses a subdirectory of %TEMP% as its working directory (on Windows at least)


    After posting, I remembered that as long as the output csv is in the same folder as your exe, you could do something like the following:

    op_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), op_file)

    As sys.executable holds the full path to the exe when compiled. This seems like a more robust solution than what I previously suggested. This would make:

    import os
    import sys  # if you haven't already
    op_file = f"{app.currdate}_{app.startTime[0:-7]}_{endTime[0:-7]}.csv".replace(":","-")
    op_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), op_file)
    print("O/P File generated")


    I would try to change the name output to have an absolute path instead of just a file name, something like:


    for basic usage. If you want this is work elsewhere, it depends on the actual location of your my_proj folder, but I would do something like the following (assuming my_proj is in your home directory:

    op_path = os.path.expanduser(f"~\\path\\to\\my_proj\\dist\\{op_file}")
    # OR
    op_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "path", "to", "my_proj", "dist", op_file)

    Both of these would work as os.path.expanduser() expands any leading ~'s to the path of your home directory. You could also use os.path.expandvars() to expand more complex percent-enclosed variables (ie `os.path.expandvars("%LOCALAPPDATA%\rest\of\path"). Obviously modify the paths to suit your needs, just make sure to replace any backslashes with a double backslash (to escape Python). All together this would be:

    import os  # if you haven't already
    op_file = f"{app.currdate}_{app.startTime[0:-7]}_{endTime[0:-7]}.csv".replace(":","-")
    op_path = os.path.expanduser(f"~\\path\\to\\my_proj\\dist\\{op_file}")
    print("O/P File generated")