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How can I can not raise error in mutations with graphene django?

I'm using graphene-django-cud for mutations. But I can't raise any GraphQLError, ValueError or Exception in mutations. Like in before_mutate() or any validate_ method. The process just stop with out any error message. Then return null for the instance and message.

def before_mutate(cls, root, info, input, id):
    from graphql import GraphQLError
    raise GraphQLError(f"The observation with id {id} doesn't exists")

def validate_name(cls, root, info, value, input, id, obj):
    raise ValueError(f"The observation with id {id} doesn't existssss")

Anyone met this before? Thanks in advance!


  • Now I figured out what's going on.

    It's not from graphene-django-cud, it's from graphene. I have to add try/except to catch the error, then return a GraphQLError.

    from graphene import Field
    from graphene_django_cud.mutations import DjangoCreateMutation
    from graphql import GraphQLError
    from .models import Demo
    from .types import DemoType
    import logging
    import traceback
    class DemoCreateMutation(DjangoCreateMutation):
        demo = Field(DemoType)
        class Meta:
            model = Demo
        def mutate(cls, root, info, input):
                return super().mutate(root, info, input)
            except Exception as e:
                return GraphQLError(traceback.format_exc())
        def before_mutate(cls, root, info, input, id):
            raise GraphQLError(f"The Demo {id} doesn't exists")
        def validate_name(cls, root, info, value, input, id, obj):
            raise ValueError(f"The Demo {id} doesn't existssss")